Tuesday 16 August 2011


Only just a short post today as my camera is still not working so I can't show you the things I have been making (which include a miniature bookcase).  Instead I have crabbed off Google photos of the things I bought today when I went to the Range with my Mum...

The mirrors are bound to be useful, the lolly sticks for construction and I just couldn't resist the tools! I already have a couple of trowels in the same style and will have to start creating a miniature toolbox soon to display them all.  These items cost a pound each, which I am very pleased with.

In other news, the rabbit is poorly and is going to the vet tomorrow.  It decided, somewhat stupidly, to leap out of my arms as I was standing up holding him and has hurt one of his back paws.  Hopefully all will be well but for the moment both of us are in shock!

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