Sunday 14 August 2011


I have always loved houses and it is my dream to be able to own my own house one day.  I can't wait to be able to have a space that belongs completely to me and that  can do what I like with - creating, decorating and being myself.  When my Grandma was alive we used to go down to every time she visited and she would often buy us a miniature house from their collection.  Unfortunately all the 1" houses seem to have disappeared years ago but I still have my favourite 2" house which has come to every property I've lived in.

(A picture will be inserted when my camera decides to behave itself again)

Recently I managed to acquire some Lilliput Lane houses very cheaply and am delighted with them :)

The Beehive Cottage is my favourite and I can see myself adding to this collection as I grow older - but in a sensible and limited way.  There are far too many things I'm interested in to allow one collection to take over and I think it better to be able to lovingly display a few pieces rather than just accumulate.

These houses for me represent hope - that I can have a home of my own one day, a place of safety and security to come back too where I will not be judged.  A home is such a personal thing and I would always want to have a corner where no-one else could be.  This runs very deep and so I focus on the nice things - enjoying the model houses I have and dreaming of the type of house I'd like to own and how I would decorae it, turning it into my home.

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