Thursday 18 August 2011

Charlie Rabbit

No post yesterday as I was somewhat upset.  My pet rabbit Charlie had to be put down :(  He was only just over two and such a comfort and help to me so I am going to miss him hugely.  It was his own stupid fault for leaping out of my arms onto the concrete below and shattering his left hind leg.  There wasn't really anything the vet could do and they didn't think it would heal properly so suggested he should be euthanased.  I went to say goodbye to him and stood stroking him as they injected him so at least I was with him.  He's left such a hole in my life and it will be difficult to fill.

On the craft side I did a little glass painting yesterday.  I used acetate and a black 'peel-off' shaped like a mandala/star.  It is not yet finished but I'm hoping to turn it into an outdoor table.  I can't remember where I saw the idea for this but am hoping it will turn out well.

Today I have been playing with the lolly sticks.  I wanted to make a versailles planter having seen this one for sale over at

Mine has turned out a little less ornate but still looks lovely :)  I used the ends of three lolly sticks for each side and glued them to a template which gave it structure and folded up to make the correct shape.  Currently it is held together with string tied round the middle but I actually think this looks quite nice.  I painted some paper spheres a green colour a couple of days ago and am going to raid the garden for some twig to use as a stalk and a bit of oasis to secure my 'tree' within it's planter.

Somehow I don't think my miniature is going to turn out quite like the 'real thing' (pictured above, a 4foot faux tree in planter) but I can always dream...

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