Tuesday 30 August 2011

Ravenwood Fair

Unemployment sucks.... really sucks...

This is another reason for making miniatures - to keep me occupied - however it has been less of a focus over the last few days as I have been to a wedding and on my first ever Ikea visit (my boyfriend even volunteered the suggestion that we go?!?).  However I have nearly completed a little tool shed to store the tools in as well as some stakes for ?runner beans? to grow up.

Perhaps of more concern is the amount of time I have recently dedicated to playing my new 'favourite' game, on facebook, that of Ravenwood Fair.  In my defense, at least I don't view the world in tetris shapes because of this!!  I am reasonably proud of my little fair and will continue to use it (and my other strateies) from going stir crazy whilst I search for another job

Monday 22 August 2011

So many things

I've been away for the weekend which has been lovely and involved conversation about the penguins from 'Madagascar'.  Did you know they were in a 'short' all by themselves? It is well worth (an)other watch and has got me thinking about penguins - from those I saw at the zoo last summer with a friend, to google pictures, to the polymer clay penguin I made my boyfriend as part of his advent calendar last year (it really is there in the middle of the third picture, between a cracker and a Christmas tree).

I'm really not very confident with polymer clay yet want to make some miniature cakes as I have two birthdays and a wedding this week - what to use instead?  I have seen quilled giant 3D cupcakes, quilled slices of cake and quilled tiered cakes as well so am planning to have a bit of a go with those.  I wondered whether foam might be a decent alternative but only have very thin sheets which would make such a teeny-tiny cake as to not be worth it (have started making macaroons out of these with my experiment-y bits instead) and have come to the conclusion that making a mold for miniature cupcakes, and their paper cases, may well be the best way forward.  I shall continue playing and hopefully have something nice, and well-made, by the end of the week!

Thursday 18 August 2011

Charlie Rabbit

No post yesterday as I was somewhat upset.  My pet rabbit Charlie had to be put down :(  He was only just over two and such a comfort and help to me so I am going to miss him hugely.  It was his own stupid fault for leaping out of my arms onto the concrete below and shattering his left hind leg.  There wasn't really anything the vet could do and they didn't think it would heal properly so suggested he should be euthanased.  I went to say goodbye to him and stood stroking him as they injected him so at least I was with him.  He's left such a hole in my life and it will be difficult to fill.

On the craft side I did a little glass painting yesterday.  I used acetate and a black 'peel-off' shaped like a mandala/star.  It is not yet finished but I'm hoping to turn it into an outdoor table.  I can't remember where I saw the idea for this but am hoping it will turn out well.

Today I have been playing with the lolly sticks.  I wanted to make a versailles planter having seen this one for sale over at www.matlockminiatures.com

Mine has turned out a little less ornate but still looks lovely :)  I used the ends of three lolly sticks for each side and glued them to a template which gave it structure and folded up to make the correct shape.  Currently it is held together with string tied round the middle but I actually think this looks quite nice.  I painted some paper spheres a green colour a couple of days ago and am going to raid the garden for some twig to use as a stalk and a bit of oasis to secure my 'tree' within it's planter.

Somehow I don't think my miniature is going to turn out quite like the 'real thing' (pictured above, a 4foot faux tree in planter) but I can always dream...

Tuesday 16 August 2011


Only just a short post today as my camera is still not working so I can't show you the things I have been making (which include a miniature bookcase).  Instead I have crabbed off Google photos of the things I bought today when I went to the Range with my Mum...

The mirrors are bound to be useful, the lolly sticks for construction and I just couldn't resist the tools! I already have a couple of trowels in the same style and will have to start creating a miniature toolbox soon to display them all.  These items cost a pound each, which I am very pleased with.

In other news, the rabbit is poorly and is going to the vet tomorrow.  It decided, somewhat stupidly, to leap out of my arms as I was standing up holding him and has hurt one of his back paws.  Hopefully all will be well but for the moment both of us are in shock!

Monday 15 August 2011

A glass cloche

What particularly inspired to actually start making my own miniatures was a set of pictures over at http://une-petite-folie.blogspot.com/.  I love the idea of displaying minis underneath a glass cloche!  Not only does it keep them protected it instantly transforms them into an artwork - such a simple and effective idea!

It also means that I don't have to create an entire house to display things in - at the moment I have nowhere I could put it and, to be honest, a dollshouse is too big a project right now.  Being able to create odds and ends and bring them together under a cloche, such as this, makes the project much less daunting.

I have decided to create some garden related objects - fruit, vegetables, flowers, tools etc etc.  At the moment it is a slightly disparate range as I choose projects that are simple enough for me to attempt in my small work space and without having to buy much extra in the way of supplies.  However, I have no doubt that I will come up with a worthy collection and that putting it under a cloche will really help.

 Now all I need to do is find a cloche to buy and finish making minis for my first ever display

Sunday 14 August 2011


I have always loved houses and it is my dream to be able to own my own house one day.  I can't wait to be able to have a space that belongs completely to me and that  can do what I like with - creating, decorating and being myself.  When my Grandma was alive we used to go down to http://www.thecheapshop.ltd.uk/ every time she visited and she would often buy us a miniature house from their collection.  Unfortunately all the 1" houses seem to have disappeared years ago but I still have my favourite 2" house which has come to every property I've lived in.

(A picture will be inserted when my camera decides to behave itself again)

Recently I managed to acquire some Lilliput Lane houses very cheaply and am delighted with them :)

The Beehive Cottage is my favourite and I can see myself adding to this collection as I grow older - but in a sensible and limited way.  There are far too many things I'm interested in to allow one collection to take over and I think it better to be able to lovingly display a few pieces rather than just accumulate.

These houses for me represent hope - that I can have a home of my own one day, a place of safety and security to come back too where I will not be judged.  A home is such a personal thing and I would always want to have a corner where no-one else could be.  This runs very deep and so I focus on the nice things - enjoying the model houses I have and dreaming of the type of house I'd like to own and how I would decorae it, turning it into my home.

First Post!

Having spent a fair amount of time over the last few months reading miniature blogs and browsing the internet for craft ideas and pretty things in general I have decided to join blogland!  I've just started making miniatures myself and will use this to track my progress.  As well, there will be a multitude of pretty things and projects that catch my eye and the opportunity to explore my thoughts around all of this and my life in more specific detail.