Monday 15 April 2013

Pink bedroom (contd)

After several days looking at my frame I got on with the decoration and found an arrangement that I was happy with.

The large butterflies were drawn using a template and then cut out by hand, the small ones were made using a paper-punch which Mum has although I'm not sure whether it was originally hers or came via Grandma.  There are two different shades of paper, in approximately the shades that were already being used to maintain continuity.  I played around with lots of large butterflies, lots of small butterflies, a mixture of both and gradually pared it down until I was happy with it.  Let's hope my friend will be happy with it too.

I took the left-over butterflies and blu-tacked them to my sister's bedroom door as a pretty surprise for her when she came home after a weekend of weddings and she is very appreciative. 

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