Tuesday 23 April 2013

Jewellery holder

In my six months off sick I did several fabric related projects and, having shown them to a like-minded friend who I saw recently, realised that it was about time I shared them on here too!!

I'm not really one for wearing jewellery but do have lots of pretty things and I can never find them when I want so thought it would be a good idea to try and put them all in one place and display them at the same time.  Pintrest provided some inspiration....

The main problem with these is the stretch/sag caused by the weight of the jewellery.  I decided to use a cork pin board instead.  I cut a piece of wadding to the right sort of size and covered it with a piece of creamy linen.  I used ordinary drawing pins to attach the linen to the edges of the pinboard.  I put one pin in the centre of the top, then the bottom, then one each side, pulling the fabric taut as I went along.  I then put more pins in to properly secure the fabric.  Some pins went in better than others, some broke, one decided to bury itself into my thumb and so to finish them I went round with a miniature hammer to get them flat!  To keep the fabric in place I used wood glue on the back of the board to stick it down and trimmed away any excess.

 I wanted to keep the subtle lace look and so used wonderweb to attach strips of both wide and narrow pale cream lace across the width of the board.  When it was finished I thought perhaps I had gone too subtle as it was quite difficult to distinguish but with the jewellery on it doesn't matter and I'm not sure you would want much more.

 The final piece has (most of) my jewellery on it and is hung proudly on my wall.  I'm really happy with the way it turned out and enjoy looking at it.

- Cork pin board, approx £2.50
- Wadding, FREE (from Mum)
- Linen, FREE (from my fabric stash, I think it originally came from my other Grandma)
- Drawing pins, FREE (I don't throw away stationary supplies)
- Wood glue, FREE (went and looked at all of Dad's random bits and pieces)
- Lace, 70p per metre, used two different widths so £1.40 (leaves some offcuts)
- Wonderweb, approx 50p per roll
- Clear push pins, £2 (box of 200, from Staples)

You will also need: miniature hammer, scissors, iron

Total = £6.50 but I had a lot of supplies to hand

And here, finally is my jewellery board :D

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