Wednesday 2 November 2011


I haven't blogged for ages, I know, and I'm sorry.  My internet is terrible, work has been hectic, my headaches bad - and I'm slightly self conscious about my latest project.

I have built a house, a two-storey, roombox type house - which sounds fairly impressive until you realise that it is made out of nutrigrain boxes and covered in wallpaper samples from homebase!

To be honest I'm quite impressed with my "fireplace surround" and the "carpet".  I'm working with limited resources here as I don't have my craft box and can't get to craft shops particularly easily either.

The "bookshelves" are made out of boxes of meciations which I cut up and stuck together and as I think I'm going to turn this into a christmas theme I started by making a wreath out of reindeer moss and some ribbon - very simple but surprisingly effective.

I really enjoy other people's work-in-progress pictures so will try and be good about putting up my own too but please bear with me on this one....

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