Tuesday 20 September 2011


Well it's been a long time since I posted.... I've had a sickness bug and my very first Band 5 interview!!!
Finally finished the knitting for my 'Souffle' cuddly duck toy and am starting to sew it together (translation: mum is doing it and I'm helping) but the head looks very cute. 

Also dug out a half-finished cross-stitch and have completed that too - what a busy bee I've been.  Yesterday I bought a frame and so I just need to iron the fabric and set it in, not entirely sure what to do with it now as I don't really want it, don't know anyone who might and don't have anywhere to sell it either.  Oh well...........

The cross-stitch is in this style only with the letter 'M' - and my camera is still broken.....

Sunday 4 September 2011


My shed is nearly finished, although with a little hiccup.  I had to put some extra wood behind the top part to provide extra stability.  The door hinges are made with wire and were a little tricky to do but I'm really pleased with them.  All that is left to do is find a spare piece of roofing felt to cover the top in and work out something to use as a bolt for the top of the door.
The bean poles are also progressing as I started playing with a pack of air drying clay I bought from the range.  Effectively it was a 'free' purchase as I returned the bag of unopened rabbit food that I bought two days before Charlie's untimely end.  There are a bunch of different sized and shaped runner beans sitting next to me, their green paint drying.  I made some cake and macaroon components too and will make them look pretty later.
I spend a lot of my time struggling with headaches at the moment, they really are getting in the way, and it makes me miss Charlie too as I used to go to him to help.  I feel deeply sad, mourning how everything changes and nothing is permanent even though I don't want things to stay the same anyway.  It seems that life moves on and I stay still, disconnected from it and I want to be that loving and vital person I know is part of me.  It seems so distant from me tho when I sit and stare.  Making miniatures is supposed to be my 'sparkly' time and it truly is, along with my lovely engineer and so many other things.  Life is full of the pretty and lovely and I celebrate these things and twirl for the joy of it.  Yet it always comes back to sitting quietly, by myself and feeling so so sad.